Thursday, January 2, 2020

Lirik High Therapy x Tuan Tigabelas - School Of Hard Knock

Lyrics for 'School Of Hard Knock' by High Therapy x Tuan Tigabelas

YEAH, i am stronger than before like a THOR with flow than no more i'm ready GO!
YEAH, i am stronger than before like a THOR with flow than no more i'm ready GO!
YEAH, i am stronger than before like a THOR with flow than no more i'm ready GO!
YEAH, i am stronger than before like a THOR with flow than no more i'm ready GO!

Waktuku kecil hidupku keras macam batu
My mom is single parent, dad where the fuck are you?
Rumahku selalu berpindah, sekolah baru
Otakku terlalu muak untuk adaptasi dan lalu
Masih sangat kecil, got bullied on the school
Coba pulang ke rumah, agar aku feelin’ cool
Tapi lingkungan terlalu banyak pecandu insul
Ketika kulengah mereka menyerangku macam pitbull

YEAH, i am stronger than before like a THOR with flow than no more i'm ready GO!
YEAH, i am stronger than before like a THOR with flow than no more i'm ready GO!
YEAH, i am stronger than before like a THOR with flow than no more i'm ready GO!
YEAH, i am stronger than before like a THOR with flow than no more i'm ready GO!

Mentalku disikat, mulai jadi nekat
Kekerasan telah berikan aku les privat
Bidik dengan cepat, melawan dengan tepat
Kupukul balik kau diam ditempat macam terikat
Concrete jungle, where everything is possible
Try to stay outta trouble, i don’t fuck the chemical
Kupernah terinjak but i don’t take it personal
Kerasnya hidup bikin aku jadi hustler

Ku pernah dipukul, tak mundur
Walau jatuh tersungkur, yo
Kerasnya hidup kan jadi tolak ukur
Kubesar jadi prajurit siap tempur
Mama didik diriku agar aku selalu bersyukur
Tak takabur, strategiku ini macam catur
Perlahan kubikin mereka semua hancur lebur
I never give up, sampai kapanpun keep fight
Graduated from the school of hard motherfuckin’ knock!
Hard motherfuckin’ knock!
Hard motherfuckin’ knock!

Learn in the school of hard knock
Where people get bullied everyday they get fucked up
Learn in the school of hard knock
That’s make who i am, yes the man who don’t give a fuck

Learn in the school of hard knock
Where people get bullied everyday they get fucked up
Learn in the school of hard knock
That’s make who i am, yes the man who don’t give a fuck
Yes the man who don’t give a fuck

Let's Stream 'School Of Hard Knock' by High Therapy x Tuan Tigabelas

Disclaimer: Check this out! all the music video and lyrics High Therapy x Tuan Tigabelas - School Of Hard Knock provided on this blog is copyright / ownership of the authors, artists and music labels are concerned. 

Be aware that entire media including the video clip & lyrics of the song High Therapy x Tuan Tigabelas - School Of Hard Knock available on this site are for promotional and evaluation purposes only and we also do not provide any MP3 files downloader here.

Guy's let support our artist & the production crew that working hard to released there masterpiece by getting the legit & original CD/DVD and digital music download such as Spotify, iTunes, Deezer, Joxx, KKBOX & others legit music medium.